First Kings of Nepal

First king of Different Dynesties

  1. Kathmandu valley - Dharmakar
  2. Gopal dynesty - Vukta Maan
  3. Aavir dynesty - Ber Singh
  4. Shom dynesty - Nimish 
  5. Kirant dynesty - Yalamber 
  6. Lichhiwi dynesty - Jay Dev first
  7. Surya dynesty - Vhumi Berma
  8. Malla dynesty - Ari Dev
  9. Karnaat dynesty - Nanya Dev
  10. Thakuri dynesty - Vhasker Dev

Dharmakar - The first king of Kathmandu valley

In ancient times, Kathmandu valley consisted of a big lake. It was called Nagakaha (lake of serpents) as it was the habitat of Nagas i.e. serpents: it’s believed that a sage called Bipaswi. Bukkha who lived on the Nagarjun hill in the northwest corner of Nagdaha sowed a lotus seed, in the lake on the full moon day, from which a lotus flower grew after 6 month of the same day. Amazingly an image of swambhu appeared in the flower. Biswapi began to worship the image when it threw bright rays of light.

According to swambhu puran, Manjushree came down from China and worship lord swambhu. He drained out thee water of Nagadha. A beautiful valley with black and fertile soil appeared where Manjushree asked his disciples to settle in there. Dharmakar was made the king of the valley. The population of the valley now known as Kathmandu valley, increased as time passed by. People from different places came and settled here. Later on Dharmadutta came from south India. It’s believed that Dharmadatta brought with him the four castes of people and settled in Kathmandu. Thus, the caste system in Nepal was introduced. The four castes were Brahmin, Kshetriya, Baishya, Sudra. Its also believed Dharmakar was the one who built pashupatinath temple.  [Source]

Vuktaman - The first king of Gopal Dynasty in Nepal

Many historians and local traditions say that a Hindu sage named "Ne" established himself at the valley of Kathmandu during prehistoric times and that the word "Nepal" came into existence as the place protected ("pala" in Sanskrit) by the sage "Ne". The etymology of the name Nepal means, "the country looked after by Ne".

He used to perform religious ceremonies at Teku, the confluence of the Bagmati and Bishnumati rivers. He is said by legend to have selected a pious cowherd to be the first of the many kings of the Gopala Dynasty. These rulers are said to have ruled Nepal for over 500 years. He selected Bhuktaman to be the first king in the line of the Gopal (Cowherd) Dynasty. The Gopal dynasty ruled for 621 years. Yakshya Gupta was the last king of this dynasty. However,this mythology can be challenged as no such name as Ne exists in Nepali or other Sanskrit derived languages.
According to Skanda Purana, a rishi called "Ne" or "Nemuni" used to live in Himalaya. In the Pashupati Purana, he is mentioned as a saint and a protector. He is said to have practiced penance at the Bagmati and Kesavati rivers and to have taught his doctrines there too. [Source]

Nimish - The first Shom Dynasty King

The Soma dynasty had established a principality in the west while the Kirati kings were ruling over the Nepal valley. The Soma dynasty kings attacked Nepal several times during the region of Patuka, but they could not defeat him. The last Kirati King Gasti was comparatively weak, so he was defeated by Nimisha of the Soma dynasty. Thus, Nimisha became the first Soma dynasty king of Nepal in about 205 A.D. He built his palace in Godavari. It was from his time that the Godavari-Mela (fair) began to be held at Godavari, every twelve years. He also erected the four faced linga of Pashupatinath. He repaired the temple of Pashupatinath as well. 

After Nimisha, Mitakshya, Kakaverma and Pashuprekshya Dev ruled over Nepal. Bhaskerverma was the fifth and last Soma dynasty king who ruled over Nepal during 280 to 305 A.D. It was he who led a military expedition and reached up to Rameswaram, the southern-most part of India. He gathered a vast treasure of wealth from this campaign. With this wealth he made a gold-plating roof on the temple of Pashupatinath and developed the economic condition of his kingdom. He filled Devapatan with his wealth and named it 'Swarnapuri'. He was childless, so he made Bhumi Verma, his heir, who was a Rajput Keshetriya of the Solar dynasty. Thus, the soma dynasty rule came to an end. [Source]

Yalambar - The First Kirat King

Yalamber is the first Kirat king who conquered Kathmandu valley defeating Gopal vansa and established Kirata Kingdom. His dynasty was succeeded by Licchavi (kingdom). He had the biggest empire Nepal ever had. It is also believed that King Yalambars witnessed the great battle of Hindu epic Mahabharat. His successors ruled Kathmandu valley for about 29 generations which lasted nearly 1225 years.  [Source: Wikipedia]

Jay Dev first - The first king of Lichhiwi Dynesty

Vaisalia was the Lichchhavis homeland. After it was destroyed by Ajatsatru, they flew away to Nepal. Supuspa was the first lichchhavis to enter Nepal and Jaydev I established Lichchhavi rule in Nepal in around 300 A.D. Jaya Dev I was the first king of this line. He has defeated Vasker Verma of of soma dynasty and established Lichchhavis dynasty.
[Source: HistoryNepal.Com]

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